Excavation Rules



I’m writing this from Tiberius, Israel! I was invited to lead worship for a church tour here and it’s been amazing! As you can imagine, we are seeing lots of old ruins and new excavation sites. I learned that they never fully excavate an area, they always leave some for the next generations. This made me think about my own family and the “excavations” that take place as we grow. Philippians 2:12-13 says that we should “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” I think of it as an uncovering of truth and treasure as we realize God’s will for our lives. It can be exciting, but it can also be painful.

Being a mother of two teenagers, I have a front row seat as I watch my daughters grow up. I’ve watched them stand strong and I’ve watched them fall hard. I wish i could make my kids walk the way they are “supposed” to. Funny that I think I know what they’re supposed to do, when I have no idea. Remember the Scripture, it doesn’t read “It is their Mommy who works in them”, no, it’s says it is GOD who works in them. Of course I’m here to be a voice of wisdom to assist in making good choices, and a place of comfort when the wrong choice is made from time to time.

Much like the excavators work hard when it is their time to uncover ancient treasure, our following generations will be digging and discovering their own treasures, and the plans that God has for their life.

If I try to dig too much and do the work for my kids, then they won’t learn to dig for themselves. They won’t learn the hard lessons that come from making mistakes and learning what being deeply forgiven is like.

There’s a part of me that wants them to live perfect lives, but I’m learning that the difficult seasons and the bad choices I’ve made in my life have excavated deep beauty in my life. The depth of forgiveness and gift of wisdom that has been uncovered could never be replaced.

I can’t do the work for my kids, even though as their mom my heart aches to help them. I have to leave some excavations to them and celebrate when they uncover something greater than I ever hoped for them. To expect my kids to have this kind of growth and wisdom without doing any of the hard work is unreasonable. You know what they say, a little hard work never hurt anyone.